Statbook: Baseball, Basketball, Football, Soccer & Volleyball

iPhone App Information

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Transfer Statbook files using iTunes File Sharing

Here are the steps to transfer iPhone compatible files, created from the Statbook desktop application, onto your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad.

Save an iPhone compatible file from Statbook Desktop Application:

  1. Open the Statbook Desktop application (available for Mac or Window, version 3.3 or higher)
  2. Create or open an existing Statbook file
  3. Select "iPhone" from the toolbar
  4. Select the "Save" button and choose a location to save the iPhone compatible file

Via iTunes, save an iPhone compatible file from Statbook Desktop Application:

  1. Connect your device with your computer using a USB cable
  2. Launch iTunes (requires version 9.1 or later)
  3. From iTunes, click the name of your device under the Devices section
  4. Click the Apps tab to get the page for managing the applications on your device
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the App page to get to the File Sharing section. In the Apps box, click on the entry for Statbook. The Documents section changes to show the current Statbook team files
  6. On the bottom right, click the Add.. button to select the file you want to transfer (Alternately, you can drag the file from the finder and drop it onto the Documents section)
  7. The device will briefly enter into "Syncing" mode. Once complete, you can launch Statbook from your device and verify the new teams file has been added

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Quick Start

Here is a typical workflow in how you might use the Statbook iPhone app.

Create iPhone compatible file from Statbook Desktop Application:

  1. Open the Statbook Desktop application (available for Mac or Window, version 3.3 or higher)
  2. Create or open an existing Statbook file
  3. Enter/update players and game information, including statistics
  4. Transfer the Statbook file to you iPhone one of two ways:
    1. Easiest method is using iTunes
    2. Go to the "FTP" area of the Statbook Desktop application and upload your file via the FTP -> Upload iPhone file menu item (The HTTP address to this file will be needed to download the file from your iPhone app)

Import, enter stats and send updated file from the Statbook iPhone Application:

  1. Launch the Statbook iPhone App. If the you did not transfer the file via iTunes then:
    1. Select the "+" button on the Team Rosters tab
    2. Choose the Download From URL option
    3. Enter the HTTP path to the file you created in the first part

  2. Select the team you transferred and verify your player information (should be synced up with the information in your Statbook Desktop application)
  3. Select the Games & Stats tab and add games or update existing games and statistics
  4. Once a game has completed, Select the Share tab and Email yourself the iPhone file

Save Email attachment from your Desktop Computer:

  1. Open the Email sent from the iPhone Statbook app and save the attachment to your hard drive

Import the Email attachment into the Statbook Desktop Application file:

  1. Re-open the Statbook desktop file
  2. Select iPhone from the toolbar
  3. Select the Load File... button and choose the iPhone file (*.plist)
  4. Verify that the "Action" fields for each player and game are correct

    • Add: The player/game will be added to the existing file
    • Update: The player/game information will be updated (overwritten)
    • Ignore: Do not import this data (usually selected for existing players and games)

  5. Select the Import button
  6. Verify information has been added/updated by selecting the Roster or Games areas.

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Additional Information

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